NDF Exchange: Yuta Akaishi – April 9, 2015


Join Yuta and I on the first installment of The Narita Exchange as we discuss growing up in both Japan and California, how life for Yuta has centered around cars since 14, and how his upbringing is linked to the goals he has today.


  1. The wait is killing me!

  2. This is a really cool idea!

  3. PODCAST ABOUT CARS!?!? And the culture behind it to boot? Absolutely! Please do more of these!

  4. I really enjoyed learning about the dedication and sacrifice that Akaishi has made in order to do what he loves. Thank you both for a good listen.
    PS Rice + Ham + Soy sauce > Bagels. Lasts a while, too!

  5. Is there a way to download this, I’d like to listen to this on my commute and not use up all my data.

    • cody, we’re still awaiting approval for availability in itunes. once that’s done you’ll be able to download via the podcast app

  6. itsu-san

    Thanks for doing this, it was cool to hear Yuta’s story and the sacrifices he makes to pursue motorsports. I’m sure lots of readers can relate

  7. Enjoyed this. “Monk-thing” was pretty enlightening.

  8. Mitch C.

    Nice to see the new development!

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