Event: NDF x FRS Invite Meeting V.3

As the rain faded away, and the afternoon sun burned off the remaining clouds over the Speedway, some people hit the road to head back towards Tokyo.  The little award ceremony we had towards the end went well.  I’ve never really had to judge, or rank cars before (although we all do it silently), but despite the choices being difficult it was still pretty fun.  Everyone was pretty stoked, and it was a good way to wrap up the meeting.  Before everyone had left, we were able to gather some of the main FRS members and take some photos closer to the track.  Hope you liked the coverage, and I look forward to holding a couple more of these in the next couple months.  Enjoy the photos ~


Seki claims that his engine bay is dirty, but clearly he’s got a misconstrued idea of what dirty actually is…

…because that’s one of the cleanest engine bays I’ve seen.

Hitokazu’s car and Masao’s car go hand in hand.  If I had more time it would have been cool to do a double feature of them.


Really like these fasteners.

Never thought I’d be signing decals, let alone car doors, hoods, and cell phone cases.  I’m not really public with this site as far as my appearance, so I’m always humbled when I hear people are fans of the site.  It really does make all the work worth it.

Seki brought a kettle to boil hot water for instant coffee.  Gotta remember this for the Winter track days.

Real Gold; my lifeline in Japan.

Another S15 rolled through to see what was going on – there were actually a few that stopped by. It was kind of neat.

The group photos from on top of the stairs were cool.  Although we didn’t line the cars up very well.

Thanks to everyone who came out!  See you all again soon.


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